
Android App development Training Certification Noida

Android App development Training Certification Noida
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The Android operating system has over 85% of the global mobile OS market. Entrepreneurs appear eager to get a slice of the action with the help of custom. 

Android App Development Training Certification with enterprise-friendly features and enhanced security. Now numbering over 3.3 million, Google Play's app selection continues to increase.

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3 month


Beginner - Advance


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Best Android App Development Training Certification in Noida by Softcrayons

The Android operating system has over 85% of the global mobile OS market. Entrepreneurs appear eager to get a slice of the action with the help of custom. 

Android App Development Training Certification with enterprise-friendly features and enhanced security. Now numbering over 3.3 million, Google Play's app selection continues to increase.

Benefits of Best Android App Development Training Certification in Noida

That is to say, the demand for Android app developers is skyrocketing. Here, we'll go over the top ten reasons why companies should invest in feature-rich, future-proof Android app development:

  • Enhanced Return on Investment

Android's Software Development Kit (SDK) is easily accessible to programmers because it is open-source. Android app development is also relatively inexpensive. 

Generally speaking, regarding the Android App Development Training Course, there are three distinct stages throughout a project's development:

  • Conceiving and Building Apps

  • Beta-Testing an App

  • Installation of Software

Throughout the entire development cycle, costs are relatively low. In addition, Android App Development Training experts can easily incorporate the material design, allowing you to get an exciting and interactive Android app at a lower cost and reach a larger global audience. In a nutshell, the return on investment (ROI) for a custom Android app is greater than that of an iOS app.

  • Allows Users To Bring Their Own Devices

Bringing your device (BYOD) and mobility are standard practices in many businesses. Regardless of physical location or the passage of time, both methods have improved workplace communication and collaboration. Android's dominant market share makes it simple to adopt a BYOD strategy. 

Your company's workforce may adopt Android-based enterprise apps at a higher rate. Android App Development Training can be found on a wide range of devices, and many of those devices fall within the price ranges of a wide variety of consumers.

  • Personalisation Is a Breeze

the Android App Developmentpersonalisationfication is hard to beat regarding adaptability and personalisation. You get a cutting-edge, intriguing, and functionally rich enterprise app. Since Android is a flexible operating system, it can accommodate both simple and complex customizations. This system is well-suited to customers ' needs.

With Android, you can also update and integrate new data-management tools to keep up with the times. All you have to do to take advantage of it is hire Android app developers.

  • Improved Safety And Simple Advertising 

Recently, starting with Android Lollipop, Google has released several updates that are especially useful for businesses. When comparing this platform to Apple's, it now holds its own in terms of data security. 

Android App Development Training with Certification now has difficulty pinpointing the data structure. In addition, users can be kept in the loop with automated system alerts. 

Moreover, thanks to the platform's prevalence, you can readily promote your Mobile Application Development Training. The Android operating system can provide a secure environment and valuable marketing tools.

  • Wearable Device Advantage 

The business world quickly adopts wearable technology through Android App Development Training. In recent years, wearable technology has proven to be a valuable means of communication. 

Notifications on smartwatches have become standard, and apps on Android smartphones control them.

Over half of businesses, according to the data, have adopted the "Bring Your Own Wearable" (BYOW) policy. It is possible to incorporate wearable technology into your current business system with the help of an enterprise-grade Android app.

  • Things Google-Related

This is the most significant benefit of using an Android app. Even though many Google services are accessible from iOS, the level of integration is not as strong. 

With an Android App Development Training Course, your company can offer its customers access to all of Google's valuable services and products. Furthermore, with slight modification, your Android app will be compatible with any future Google services or apps.

  • Decreased Time To Market 

To stay ahead of the competition, you must develop a business app as soon as possible. Android app development tools have the potential to facilitate faster development with an easy integration of features that are desired. 

You can reap the benefits of a decreased TTM thanks to the expertise of Android developers working on your company's app. In addition to Android App Development Training, You can easily update the app to meet new standards as they emerge.

  • Possibilities For New Ideas

Android's widespread usage is one of the platform's most significant advantages. The Android app developers have access to state-of-the-art resources and technologies, which they can leverage to help you reach your target demographic with novel features. 

Incorporating cutting-edge technologies like augmented and virtual reality allows for premium app solutions to be provided at affordable prices. Android App Development Training Course allows for creative freedom and paves the way for new commercial possibilities.

  • In A Changing Environment

Is it true that Android is continuously developing? Several well-known companies, including Samsung, produce Android smartphones. They keep bringing new features to stay firm amid growing competition, and the Android App Development Training developers' community quickly adapts to them.

The Android operating system was the first to implement near-field communication (NFC), mobile payments, and high-definition (HD) displays. When you go with an Android app, you get the benefits of the app itself and the constantly developing platform.

  • Custom Operating System Installation

Custom ROMs simplify altering the app's visual style and functionality. Custom ROMs allow you to tailor Android devices to the needs of your business. 

As a small group of dedicated developers creates most ROMs in their spare time, they are freely available to the public at no cost. Such ROMs can radically change mobile app development, and businesses can leverage the benefits. You can learn more about ROMs by consulting a reputable Android App Development Training Institute in Noida.

Points to Remember…

If all you need is a simple business app, you've found it. We at Softcrayons IT Training Institute provide top-notch Android app development services to help you get the most out of the Android App Development Training Certification

We'll get you up and running with a mobile strategy as quickly and affordably as possible. You can acquire a cutting-edge, on-demand app to expand your customer-focused business using this system.

Vital Structures of Android App Development Training Certification In Noida

The smartphone has become an integral part of our society. Most people now rely on their mobile devices for everything from online shopping to getting their daily news and entertainment fixes. 

Upgrades in functionality and hardware mean modern smartphones are as helpful as any desktop or laptop computer. 

Android is the best platform to use if you want to take advantage of the astronomical growth of the smartphone market. This short article will explore Android App Development Training fascination features as follows:

  • Get Statistical Indication

The most recent statistics indicate that Android App Development Training is used by over 82% of all smartphones. The operating system currently supports more than a billion unique devices. The vast consumer base opens up numerous possibilities for commercial ventures.

You should check out What You Should Know Before Installing the Android Q Beta on Your Pixel.

  • Free Application For All

Due to Android's free and open nature, it's relatively easy for new companies to start making apps. In addition to the Android App Development Training Course, this makes it so that companies can offer more reasonably priced app options.

  • Process Is Simple.

Its software development kit (SDK) makes it simple for programmers to create applications for various uses, including business, entertainment, and gaming. The SDK reduces expenditures on programming and licensing.

  • User Interface That You Can Modify

Google has always prioritised making the UI flexible to help prioritised developers make the most of the UI and create more engaging apps.

  • Liberty And Creativity

Google's guiding philosophy inspires talented programmers to create functional and exciting apps. You can't express your individuality before going for Android App Development Training in quite the same way on any other service.

  • Easily Accepted

There is no formal review procedure for Android apps before they are released. The time it takes to go from idea to market entry is less than that of competing products.

  • Customization

Android App Development TrainiCustomisation offers more customisation options based on your business's needs and changing market trends. Programmers need little effort to update the current apps with cutting-edge capabilities.

  • Distribution To Many Networks

The distribution of Android apps is not limited to Google Play, the official app marketplace. Because of this, you can increase your market share by connecting with a broader audience.

  • Strictly Compatible With Current Hardware

To elaborate, Android App Development Training with Certification can be used on various devices from various manufacturers, each with unique hardware specifications. This ensures that the users receive top-notch performance on any device.

  • Shattering Of The Market

While fragmentation is a problem for software engineers, it's an opportunity for entrepreneurs. There is no other mobile OS that can boast such widespread device compatibility.

Softcrayons is the foremost IT Training institute in Noida with several years of an expert. So join it today to boost your career and have a successful joining in MNC to enhance your profile.

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Flutter Training Certification is in third place. Net Core and Torch are the most popular programming libraries and frameworks. About two-thirds of Flutter's engineers find it helpful and intend to keep using it.

Core Java + Android + Kotlin

Let's learn more about this intersection of Core Java, Android, and Kotlin Certificationwherein the very best information is found.

Core Java + Android + Flutter

Combining Flutter, Android, and Core Java Training Curriculum gives you a more well-rounded profile, increasing your potential for success in attracting your ideal customers. Learn more about the value this adds to your professional profile and your sector of expertise here.

Android Development Training

Softcrayons Tech Solutions organizes a complete Android app development training program in Noida for fresher and more experienced graduates who want to make a career in IT. But before joining Android training, you should know some critical points.

I-Phone Training 

The iPhone Training in Noida is a specialized program that focuses on teaching individuals how to develop apps for Apple's iOS platform. Participants learn iOS app development, user interface design, and integration with Apple's ecosystem. This training equips individuals with the skills necessary to create applications for iPhones and other Apple devices.



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Beginner - Advance


60 - 70


softcrayons Certified


E-Books, Notes, etc.


3 month

Benefits of the Course

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100% Placement Assistance

Softcrayons provides job oriented training to all students and they get job as soon as they complete their training

Live Projects Training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

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Android App development Training Certification Noida

  • Introduction to Android
  • Brief history of Android
  • What is Android?
  • Why is Android important?
  • What benefits does Android have?
  • What is OHA?
  • Why to choose Android?
  • Software architecture of Android
  • Advantages of Android
  • Android features Android market
  • Comparing Android with other platform
  • Terms and acronyms

  • Details about the software requirement
  • Download and installation process of Android SDK
  • How to select Android version?
  • Step to create new project?
  • Running your application
  • Creation of new AVD
  • Android studio

  • How to select Android version?
  • Step to create new project
  • Running Your Application
  • Creation of New AVD
  • Creating run configuration
  • Creating your first Android activity
  • List of basic sample programs

  • Services
  • Broadcast receivers
  • Content providers Intents
  • Notifications
  • Activating and shutting down components
  • Brief idea about manifest file
  • Brief idea about activities and Task

  • Activity Life Cycle with sample program
  • Service Life Cycle with sample program

  • What are views, Layouts and there classification?
  • How Android Draws views and Layout Classification?
  • Table Layout ln detail with Example
  • Tab Layout ln detail with Example
  • Frame Layout ln detail with Example
  • Linear Layout in detail with Example

  • Grid View In detail With Example
  • Map View In detail with Example
  • Cont. Sub Topical Views
  • Web View In detail with Example
  • Spinner In detail with Example
  • Gallery In detail with Example
  • Google Map View In detail with Example
  • Introduction to creating activity user with views
  • Different ways of creating views Using xml

  • Providing resources
  • Different resource file location
  • Providing alternative resources
  • Android finds the best matching resource
  • Accessing resources
  • Accessing platform resources
  • Handling runtime changes
  • Introduction to Jquery
  • JQuery work in Android

  • Multipane & Singlepane
  • Fragment Life Cycle
  • Addition of Fragments
  • Fragments Working without U

  • How to create menus?
  • Types of Android Application Menus
  • Option Menu
  • Expanded - In detail with Example
  • Context Menu ln detail with example
  • Sub Menu-In detail with example

  • Navigation Drawer
  • Simple Side Drawer
  • Tab Drawer
  • Extra Drawer

  • Handling user events
  • Different types of event listener
  • OnClickO
  • OnLongClickO
  • OnFocusChangeO
  • OnKeyO OnTouchO
  • OnCreateContextMenuO
  • Different types of event handler
  • OnKeyDown (int, KeyEvent)
  • OnKeyUp (int, KeyEvent)
  • OnTrackballEvent (MotionEvent)
  • OnTouchEvent (MotionEvent)
  • OnFocusChanged (boolean,int,Rect)

  • Introduction to dialogs
  • Showing and dismissing of dialog boxes
  • Alert dialog In detail with example
  • Progress dialog In detail with example
  • Threading and handler
  • Creating running applications-Events
  • Creating running applications-Dialogs

  • Notifying Users
  • Status bar Notification
  • Toast Notification
  • Dialog Notification

  • Different types of intent?
  • Launching sub-activities
  • What is intent filter
  • Intent objects---In detail with example
  • Using intents to take pictures
  • Handling sub activity results

  • Android techniques for data storage
  • Creating and saving shared preferences
  • Retrieving shared preferences
  • Storing in files
  • Loading from files.
  • Storing in databases.

  • Introducing SQLite database.
  • Working with Android databases.
  • Using SQLite OpenHelper.
  • Cursors and content values.
  • Opening and closing Database

  • Introducing services
  • Creating and controlling services
  • Registering a service in the manifest
  • Starting, controlling, and interacting with a service

  • Controlling the camera and taking pictures
  • Playing audio and video
  • Introducing the media player
  • Preparing audio for playback
  • Packaging audio as an application resource
  • Initializing audio content for playback
  • Preparing for video playback
  • Playing video using the video view
  • Setting up a surface for video playback
  • Initializing video content for playback
  • Supported video formats
  • Controlling playback
  • Managing media playback output
  • Multimedia supported audio formats
  • Recording audio and video
  • Using Intents to Record Video
  • Configuring and Controlling Video Recording
  • Previewing Video Recording
  • Reading and Writing JPEG EXIF Image Details
  • Adding new media to media storage Using the Media Scanner
  • Inserting Media into the Media Store Raw video manipulation
  • Recording Sound with Audio Record
  • Playing Sound with Audio Track Speech recognition
  • Creating and Running and Testing

  • Using Location Based Services
  • Working with the location manager
  • Configuring the Emulator to Test Location Based Services

  • DDMS: Dalvik debug monitor Service
  • Trace View

  • Security Architecture
  • User Ids and File Access
  • Using Permissions
  • Declaring and Enforcing Permissions

  • Rolling your own Widgets
  • Drawables
  • Bitmaps
  • Paint

  • Accessing the Local Bluetooth Device Adapter
  • Managing Bluetooth Properties and State
  • Managing Device Discoverability
  • Discovering Remote Devices
  • Monitoring Active Connection Details
  • Scanning for Hotspots
  • Managing Wi-Fi Configurations
  • Creating Wi-Fi Network Configurations
  • Device Vibration
  • Controlling device vibration

  • What is content provider
  • How to access build in Content provider
  • Retrieving build - in Content provider data

  • Launching the Dialer to Initiate Phone Calls Replacing the Native Dialer
  • Accessing phone and Network Properties & Status
  • Reading Phone Device Details
  • Reading Data Connection and Transfer State Reading Network Details

  • Using sensors and the sensor manager
  • Introducing Sensors
  • Supported Android Sensers
  • Finding Sensors
  • Using Sensors
  • Interpreting the sensor values
  • Using the compass , accelerometer and orientation sensors
  • Introducing Accelerometers Detecting Acceleration Changes Creating a G-Forceometer

  • Binding Activities to services
  • Prioritizing Background services
  • Binding data with service

  • What are webservices
  • Web service Architecture
  • Asyn Task
  • Parsing Techniques JSON, XML Consuming WebServices CRUD Operations over Server

  • Introduction to JSON
  • Advantages of JSON over XML
  • Syntax & Structure of JSON
  • Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications Different types JSON Parsers ,simple json , Jackson , GSON to parse the JSON

  • Introduction Volley Library
  • Volley Library Advantages
  • Volley Library Components
  • How to setup the Environment Creating Volley singleton class Different Types of Requests Adding request headers Handling Volley Cache

  • Realtime Database
  • Cloud Storage
  • Authentication
  • Cloud Messaging
  • AdMob
  • Crash Reporting

  • What is GCM ?
  • GCM Architecture
  • GCM Services
  • Instant Messaging
  • TTL (Time to Live)
  • Group Messaging
  • Server Communication

  • Facebook Integration
  • Twitter Integration
  • Google/Gmail Integration
  • Payment Gateway Integration

  • List and Card
  • View Shadows/ Custom Shadows
  • App Bar /Action Bar
  • Matterial Theme
  • Adapter view and Recycler View

  • Clockwise
  • Zoom
  • Fade
  • Blink
  • Move
  • Slide

  • 20g Cat
  • Debugger
  • Trace View
  • Monkey Runner
  • UI Automator
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