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Best Angular Js Training Institute in Ghaziabad

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that helps you build single-page applications. Google and the Angular team developed it. AngularJS has an expressive syntax, a robust data binding system, and powerful templating features.

It also has directives that let developers turn any HTML element into an Angular component with just a few lines of code.

This section will discuss the best Angular Js Training Institute in Ghaziabad to help you learn everything from basic to advanced concepts of this framework.

We at Softcrayons Tech Solution provide all the necessary tools and guidance to have expertise in Angular Js.

With the emergence of Angular, JavaScript is re-emerging as a popular programming language.

Angular is an open-source platform for creating web applications in HTML and TypeScript with unobtrusive JavaScript to help build interactive web apps.

  • Why Angular JS Training?

What is Angular JS?

Angular JS is one of the latest JavaScript frameworks that provide a better way to build web applications. With these frameworks, developers can quickly create dynamic web pages that are visually appealing and easy to use.

Angular Js Training in Ghaziabad is becoming popular with developers who want to learn this programming language.

There are many Angular JS training institutes in Ghaziabad, but not all offer high-quality courses like ours.

Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source web application framework to build interactive web applications. It is the most popular among the two frameworks of Angular - Angular JS and Angular 2. Angular JS is a complete rewrite of the original Angular framework, with a new design that improves some shortcomings.

Angular JS is a JavaScript framework that can be used to develop single-page web applications. It is based on the model-view-controller pattern but emphasizes data binding, making it suitable for CRUD applications.

Angular JS is the latest and most advanced JavaScript framework and development tool.

The best Angular JS training in Ghaziabad at Softcrayons Tech Solution provides training on Angular 2 and 4 and complete project training on all versions of Angular JS.

  • Why should you join us?

Why choose Softcrayons Tech Solution?

A training institute provides a platform for individuals to learn, explore and apply new skills in their field. Students can learn about technologies, programs, and soft skills through classroom teaching sessions, online tutorials, or tutorial videos.

An individual must choose the right institute that offers courses on what they need or want to learn about.

To find the best institute for you, there are many factors you need to consider, such as cost & duration, of course, campus culture & facilities.

It is well-known that Angular JS training is a required skill for front-end development, and it is essential to take up Angular JS training in Ghaziabad to remain competitive.

The Angular Js training institute at Softcrayons Tech Solution is an institution that provides the best Angular Js course with the help of highly qualified and experienced trainers.

This institute offers courses such as Angular2 Development Course, Angular 4 Development Course, etc.

There are many Angular JS training institutes in Ghaziabad, but we at Softcrayons Tech Solution provide the best of both worlds.

We offer online and offline courses with a flexible schedule and great teachers who impart knowledge and help you with plenty of practice opportunities.

With the emergence of Angular, JavaScript is re-emerging as a popular programming language. A good Angular JS training institute must be able to provide timely courses on this framework.

They should also have the best trainers who are well-versed in the latest updates that come with it.

Finding an institute that can provide you with the best course on this framework is of utmost importance. A good training institute should teach Angular Js and give you insights into its more recent updates.

Angular Js Training in Ghaziabad is a top-level Angular Js training institute. It provides the best Angular JS training in Ghaziabad.

The trainers at the institute are highly qualified and experienced. They can quickly build strong relationships with students and help them enhance their skills better.

There are many Angular JS institutes in Ghaziabad, but our institute is the best for providing the best services to learners.

Angular JS is a client-side or client-server web application framework primarily written in JavaScript. Angular is a large and complex framework, so it would be difficult for beginners to learn it independently.

However, many tutorials and courses can teach you the basics of Angular JS and how to build an app with this framework.

Many Angular JS training institutes in Ghaziabad and surrounding areas offer beginners and advanced learners courses.

A training institute provides a platform for individuals to learn, explore and apply new skills in their field. Students can learn about technologies, programs, and soft skills through classroom teaching sessions, online tutorials, or tutorial videos.

An individual must choose the right institute that offers courses on what they need or want to learn about.

  • Course & Benefits

What are the benefits of Angular JS?

Angular JS allows you to build an application that loads data from the server and renders it on the page. The framework also helps you to create custom components and bind them to the view using directives. We have come up with this Angular Js Training in Ghaziabad course due to its excellent benefits:

Angular JS is highly customizable and lets you create your directives and components.

Angular is a JavaScript framework that is used to build applications that are dynamic and interactive.

It uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It allows you to build large and complex web applications with the help of components, directives, and pipes.

It also uses dependency injection and provides a wide range of reusable components. It uses TypeScript as its programming language.

This makes coding more accessible and reduces the time required to develop a web application's front end.

The developers can create a single-page application using Angular JS, saving time and effort.

Angular JS is a JavaScript framework used to develop complex web applications with single-page applications.

Angular JS allows you to create reusable custom components used in multiple applications.

It also helps you to organize your application and separate it into modules. It is a robust framework that supports a wide range of features and is straightforward to learn.

Angular JS can be used to build mobile, desktop, and server apps. Angular is a robust web application framework that helps you build high-performing web applications.

It has a large number of features that you can use to create your apps. This framework helps you create modern and interactive applications with many components.

It also provides a comprehensive range of features, which makes it easy for developers to develop web applications with Angular.

It can integrate with existing systems and be used for building any web application.

Angular JS is known for its clean architecture and easy coding. It is mighty and can be used to build large-scale projects.

You can see how to utilize Angular Components to make the visual part of your applications and learn about the different administrations incorporated into Angular.

For example, steering and HTTP benefits and figuring out how to structure your application into Angular Modules to best arrange your code.


We at Softcrayons Tech Solution, with the best Angular Js Training Institute in Ghaziabad, provide you with the best training for beginner and advanced levels.

This is the most prominent Angular-js training, providing hands-on, real-life projects with practical examples that help you learn correctly.

We provide all the latest and new courses like Bootstrap, Angular JS, React JS, Python, MongoDB, NodeJS, Angular 2, and more.

This course is focused on proficient designers who are getting into Angular and need a speedy way of learning its elements. Rather than lengthy clarifications, this course gets straight to the point by rapidly presenting you with the Angular components you want to know.

Check out our website for more information. There are so many courses available according to your course curriculum and ease. We assure you that we give our best services, which will be worth your time. Join us today and get maximum benefits from our courses.

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Training Features

Expert led Training

Our programs is led by industry experts who bring years of real-world experience to you, which helps you to gain more experience to the classroom.

Flexible Learning

You can choose our courses either online or in-person training. We also offer self-paced learning options that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Hands-on Experience

You'll have access to a range of tools and resources by our faculty in this course, that will help you develop to secure networks in real-world environments.


Our Programs is a prestigious certification which is recognized worldwide and can help you get advanced to build your future career in the network security.

Benefits of the Course

100% Placement Assistance

Softcrayons provides job oriented training to all students and they get job as soon as they complete their training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

Mock Interview Session

Sharpen your interview skills with our mock interview session. Gain confidence, receive feedback, and ace your next interview

Globally Recognized Certifications

Unlock global opportunities with our recognized certifications. Validate your skills and expertise, stand out in your field, and advance your career with confidence


  • Course Objectives

  • Basic JavaScript
  • DOM and BOM
  • Intervals and Objects
  • Prototype, Hoisting, and Closure
  • Let, Const , Arrow, Class, and Inheritance
  • Map, Filter, Reduce, Template Literals
  • ForEach, for-in, for-of loop.

  • Why Typescript
  • Basic Types
  • Class and Interfaces
  • Modules
  • Typescript

  • Real-time environmental setup

  • What is Angular
  • What is SPA
  • Comparison between different versions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Key features

  • Node /NPM
  • Angular CLI
  • Setup Project
  • Directory Structure
  • Code Editors
  • How Angular Application Boot
  • What is Module
  • Decorator
  • NgModule

  • Core Module
  • Bootstrapping
  • Shared Modules
  • Angular CLI
  • Setup Project
  • Directory Structure
  • Code Editors
  • How Angular Application Boot
  • What is Module

  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Metadata
  • State and Behaviors

  • Template Expression or Interpolation
  • Data Binding (Event, Property, Two Way)
  • *ngIf , *ngFor , *ngSwicth
  • Built-in Structural and Attributes Directive

  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes

  • Routes , RouterModule , routerLink
  • Child Routing
  • Params
  • Guards

  • Structured Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Template Expression or Interpolation
  • Data Binding (Event, Property, Two Way)
  • *ngIf , *ngFor , *ngSwicth
  • Built-in Structural and Attributes Directive
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes
  • Routing
  • Routes , RouterModule , routerLink

  • Template Driven
  • Reactive Form
  • Custom Validators

  • Observable vs Promise
  • Network Call
  • HTTP Request | Response

  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • Dependency Injections
  • Injectors and Providers

  • Component LifeCycle
  • All LifeCycle Hooks

  • Local Storage
  • Session Storage
  • Cookies

  • @Input()
  • @Output() with EventEmitter
  • @Viewchid()
  • Shared Service
  • Subject

  • Introduction to Server-Side Rendering
  • Angular Universal

  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine

  • Angular Material
  • PrimeNG

  • Social Login
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Filter
  • JWT Token
  • File Upload
  • Many More

  • Build Application
  • Deploy in Heroku
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