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Softcrayons Learning Session of Data Science & ML Using Python Training Courses. 

Python is probably the most popular programming language today. This course will show you how to do data science & ML using Python, the most popular programming language today.

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning is the most famed choice among the student groups. 

Python may be used for various purposes and is high-level, object-oriented, and very approachable. 

Python is a well-liked programming language due to its user-friendliness, open-source licensing, and accessibility - the foundation of its famous community. 

It offers excellent assistance in developing many tutorials, programs, and examples of programs.

Examine Data Science & ML using Python Language.

One can use Python to develop various applications - from Web, Desktop GUI-based programs/applications to science and mathematics programs, machine learning, and other extensive data computing systems.

Check out more about ML and data science with Python techniques to work on. 

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a modern and rapidly developing method of development for systems that has quickly become an essential requirement for businesses and programmers to comprehend and utilize. 

Due to the complicated nature of scientific computing in machine learning, Python is considered the most appropriate programming language. 

This is due to its vast and well-established collection of statistics and mathematics libraries, its extensibility, user-friendliness, and broad acceptance within science and academia. 

Python has been deemed the most appropriate programming language for machine learning system development.

Data Science

Data science blends of 

  • Cutting-Edge Compute And Storage Techniques

  • Data Transformation And Representation Algorithms

  • Scientific Methods 

To create solutions to complex data analysis problems that cover structured and raw data in any format. 

Data Scientist has a deep understanding of various kinds of data-oriented issues. 

Also, they have experience in applying necessary algorithms such as statistics, mathematics, and statistical models to develop the solutions needed. 

Python is among the most efficient and well-known instruments for solving data science-related issues. 

Use examples for Python, Data Science, and Machine Learning. 

Here are a few instances illustrating Data Science and Machine Learning applications using Python.

  • Netflix makes use of data science to understand the pattern of user behaviour and viewing patterns. This is then used to help Netflix understand users' preferences and dislikes and recommend relevant content.

  • Amazon & Walmart are heavily utilizing data sciences, mining, and machine learning to understand consumer preferences and patterns of shopping better. This aids in forecasting the need for goods to improve inventory management and suggest relevant products to online users through email marketing.
  • Spotify uses machine learning and data science to provide music recommendations to its customers.
  • Spam programs use machine learning and data science algorithm(s) to identify and stop spam mailers.

Deep Learning Sessions of Data Science & ML Using Python in Ghaziabad 

Business intelligence is getting more interest than ever before. This field is vast with many aspects, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and various other areas. 

The most important thing determining the outcome is the programming language used to accomplish all these tasks.

In today's market, there are many programming languages to choose from. 

But, just a few languages are incredibly compatible with Data Science and Machine Learning regarding the most effective programming languages. 

Python is among the most popular languages that are extensively used by developers all over the globe. 

Therefore, let's discover why Python is ideal for Ghaziabad's Data Science and Machine Learning Courses.


A few thoughts developers think of when they hear Python is simplicity. Its easy-to-understand, read code and simple syntax benefit Data Science and Machine Learning. 

The main goal of Machine Learning is to decrease human effort, and Python can reduce the amount of human effort required during the coding phase. 

Python's ease of use and reliability make it simple for even novice developers. For Machine Learning, Python's usage assists in solving logical problems instead of being distracted by the minutiae of aspects of programming languages. 

This is among the main reasons people in the field believe that Machine learning and Data Science using Python is the best option.

Wider Library Section

Simplicity is the first thing that draws all developers, from novices to advanced developers. However, the vast library and additional features make developers continue using the language. 

Creating and installing ML is always challenging without the assistance of well-designed software and libraries. The well-organized library of Python aids in reducing the time for writing code. 

A separate library specifically designed to support Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with a broad technology stack. 

Tools like TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, and Keras are excellent for Machine Learning, whereas Scipy, Seaborn, Pandas, and NumPy are excellent for data visualization. 

These are only some of the most famous names. Aside from that, there are Shogun, PyMC, PyLearn2, SymPy, and many other useful libraries to make Data Science and Machine Learning processes efficient.

Outstanding Support Of Community

Python is a programming language that has been in use worldwide for a long time and is now getting its place in the top ten programming languages of the past several years. 

Because of this, more and more people are learning the basics of Python to improve their data science skills and machine learning. 

With its increasing popularity, the Python community is also growing daily. If you've struggled writing code, you'll receive help from the Python community. 

It is a guarantee that you will be able to get the expert to solve your issue from a large gathering.

Integration of Diverse Applications

In the field of Data Science, EAI plays a vital part. Python language is a fantastic tool to use for Enterprise Application Integration. 

Python is an excellent language with many advantages and is highly compatible with applications, and it can be embedded even if the application is built with other programming languages. 

Therefore, integrating Python into other languages is simple and makes the web development process much more manageable. 

For instance, it can use COM/COBRA components to call it, and you can contact it directly from and into C++, C, or Java code. 

The robust combination that is a part of Python alongside other languages makes it ideal for scripting applications. 

The capabilities, including the strong integration with text processing and integration capabilities, make this software the perfect choice for software testing.

Why Are Python Training Courses in Ghaziabad Prominent for Data Scientists & ML Developers?

Learning the necessary programming languages is the first step in your career as a Data Scientist and ML developer. 

Of all the languages you can choose from, Python is by far the most sought-after programming language used by all ML and Data Scientists. 

Here are seven reasons Python is so popular that will assist you in discovering why programmers enjoy the language.

No Restriction of Programming

Python is among the most straightforward languages to begin your journey, and its simplicity also does not restrict the possibilities of your programming.

What is it that gives Python this flexibility? There are many factors to consider:

  • Python is a free and open-source language

  • This is an advanced programming

  • Python is an interpreter

  • It is home to a vast community.

Furthermore, Python is fast in writing. Take a look at these two examples of writing using Java as well as Python:

  • This short example illustrates how you can profit from Python. Instead of typing three lines of code to complete the task, you should write only. 

  • Think about what time and effort you could reduce the time spent on more complex tasks.

High in Scalability

Python is a programming language that is scalable very quickly. Python is a leader in the scale of all the languages available, which implies that Python offers a wide range of options.

Python flexibility is exceptionally beneficial to tackling any problem that arises in app development.

The solution to any issue is simply a new update on the way. It is said that Python is the most suitable choice for beginners because there are various methods to solve the same thing.

Even if you've got an entire team of Python programmers who know design patterns in C++. 

Python will be better for them concerning the time required to create and test code for correctness.

It happens quickly because you don't have time to identify memory leaks or look for segments or compilation errors.

Enhance Your Development

Because of its popularity, Python has hundreds of frameworks and libraries, ideal for enhancing your development. 

They can save you time manually and be easily substituted for the entire system.

If you are a Data Scientist, you will see that most of these libraries are focused explicitly on Data Analytics and Machine Learning using Python.

Additionally, many libraries support Big Data, which is an argument for why to study Python as your primary language.

A few of them are listed below:

  • Pandas

It is perfect for data analysis and handling. Pandas provide data manipulation control.

  • NumPy

NumPy is an open-source library for numerical computation. It offers high-level math functions as well as manipulating data.

  • SciPy

This library is a part of the field of technical and scientific computing. SciPy is a tool for data modification optimization and algebra, as well as for particular functions, etc.

Have A Look at Web Development

To make your development as simple as possible, you must take Python Training with certification in Ghaziabad. 

Numerous Django and Flask frameworks and libraries help you code more efficiently and accelerate your work.

If you look at PHP and Python, the same can be accomplished in several hours of code using PHP. 

However, with Python, it takes only a few seconds. Take a look at the Reddit website. It was developed using Python.

Below, you will find Pythons Full-Stack frameworks to help you develop websites:

  • Django

  • Pyramid

  • Web2py

  • TurboGears

Here are Python micro-frameworks that allow web development:

  • Flask

  • Bottle

  • CherryPy

  • Hug

Higher and Robust Community Joining

Python has a robust community. It might seem like it should not be one of the significant reasons to pick Python; however, the reality is that it's a vice to the other.

Your learning journey could be challenging if you don't receive support from other experts. 

You need to know this will not happen in your Data Science and ML Using Python learning process.

Automation Framework

Utilizing Python automation frameworks such as the PY unit can provide you with many advantages:

  • No additional modules are needed to set up. The modules are included in the box.

  • Even without Python experience, you can work with Unit tests exceptionally comfortably. 

  • It is possible to run single experiments more simply—type in the names of the investigations on the terminal. 

  • The output is too small, making the structure flexible for testing scenarios.

Growth & Boost in Your Career

Python is a distinct language with tremendous growth potential and offers a variety of career options to Data Scientists and ML developers. 

If you can master Python, you could be thinking about various other jobs that you may want to change to.

  • Python Developer

  • Product Manager

  • Educator

  • Financial Advisors

  • Data Journalist

Why Learn Data Science & ML Using Python Courses with Certification from Softcrayons?

Before we discuss the best ways to master Python in data science and Machine learning, it is essential to explain why it is crucial to learn Python.

In the end, knowing Python is among the essential skills required for a successful career in data science.

Experts in data science expect the trend will continue due to increased development within the Python ecosystem. If your quest to master Python programming is just starting, knowing numerous job opportunities exist is excellent.

Therefore, the future looks positive for data science, and Python is only one part of the pie. The good news is that getting a grasp of Python and other fundamental programming concepts is still as easy as ever, and learning how to do it in just five easy steps.

But simply because the steps are simple doesn't mean you don't need to make an effort. If you put in the effort and study Python, you can gain the latest technology and possibly take your career to a new height.

How to Get the Right Python Training Courses in Ghaziabad? 

The first step is choosing the right IT Training Institute in Ghaziabad, like Softcrayons, to help you learn Python programming. 

Softcrayons is specifically designed to help students learn Python to study Data Science & ML at their speed and challenge users to write real-time code and use accurate data in our interactive interface in the browser.

Alongside taking Python training in Ghaziabad in a classroom setting, your path toward being a data scientist & ML must include soft abilities. 

In addition, there are additional technical skills that we suggest acquiring as you go along.

Fundamentals of Python Programming

Everybody starts somewhere; this is the first step to learning Python programming fundamentals. Also, you'll need some basic knowledge of data science.

One of the essential tools you need to start using at the beginning of your learning journey should be Jupyter Notebook, which comes already pre-loaded with Python libraries that will assist you in understanding these two concepts.

If you are a part of an organization, you can put yourself in the company of like-minded individuals and improve your work chances. 

Get Your Hands On Small Term Python Projects

We believe in learning through hands-on experience. You'll be surprised at the speed at which you can begin working on simple Python projects. 

We've already prepared a fantastic introduction to Python for beginners that includes suggestions such as:

Python & Panda's Fundamentals

You are analyzing and tracking an enjoyable project that'll assist you with Python and Panda's fundamentals and provide insights into your financial situation.

Examine Data from The Results of A Survey.

Find public survey data or use survey data you have created in this easy project that will show you how to dig deeper into the data to extract information.

Take A Look At Some Of Our Guided Projects

Interactive Python projects for everyone's ability level that utilize accurate data and provide guidance and a challenge to use your knowledge differently.

It is also possible to create simple games and apps that aid you in understanding using Python.

The creation of mini-projects such as this will aid you in learning Python. Programming projects like these are common to all languages and an excellent way to build your knowledge of the basics.

Start building your knowledge of APIs, and then begin scraping the web. In addition to helping you learn  Data Analytics Using Python programming, web scraping can be beneficial in obtaining information later on.

More to Highlight Now:

Data Science Handbook

A fantastic interview with current data scientists. They'll give you an idea of the actual work of data science and how you can succeed in this field.

Python Data Science Handbook

An excellent guide, available for download so you can dive into and run the entire code samples to test it yourself.

Essential Elements of Statistical Learning

A vast and up-to-date statistics textbook will be a valuable reference while you learn Python to ensure your work is accurate.

Learn to Use Python Library for ML & Data Science Techniques

In contrast to other programming languages, Python is usually the best method to do something. The three most essential Python databases for science and data analysis include NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Here are some which are essential for any data-related work done using Python:

NumPy is a library that allows a wide range of statistical and mathematical operations to be simpler; it also forms the base for many aspects of pandas' library.

Pandas Python library is explicitly designed to make working with data easier for pandas, which is the foundation of many Python data sciences.

Matplotlib is a visualization tool that makes it easy to create charts using your data.

Scikit-learn is the most used program for machine learning in Python.

NumPy, as well as Pandas, are fantastic to play around with and explore data. 

Matplotlib is a data visualization tool that creates graphs similar to those seen on Excel and Google Sheets.

Python is a thriving community of experts willing to help you master Python.

The internet's resources, such as Quora and Stack Overflow, are packed with enthusiastic people who want to impart their knowledge and assist you in mastering Python programming. 

Git is a well-known tool that lets you keep track of any changes made to your code. This allows you to fix mistakes, try new things and work with other developers.

Construct Your Resume With Professional Terms

These projects must involve work using a variety of datasets and provide readers with intriguing insights you've learned. It's worth considering the following types of construction:

Data Cleaning Project: Any project that requires dirt and "unstructured" data that you cleanse and analyze will be a big hit with potential employers, as most real-life data will likely need to be cleaned.

Data Visualization Project: Visualizing attractive, simple-to-read data is a programming and design problem. If you can achieve it, your analysis will be more powerful. A stunningly designed chart within a project can make the portfolio pop.

Machine Learning Project: If you want to be a Data Scientist, you'll require an assignment showcasing your ML skills.

Your analysis should be written clearly and visually, ideally using a format similar to a Jupyter Notebook so that technical people can understand your code; however, non-technical readers can also follow your graphs and written explanations.

There is no requirement for a particular theme or focus in your portfolio. Explore datasets that appeal to you and determine how to bring them together. 

If, however, you're aspiring to work for a specific business or industry, including projects that are relevant to the sector within the portfolio you have created is a great idea.

The display of these projects gives colleagues in data science & ML an opportunity to work with you. 

It also can show potential employers that you've invested the time and effort to master Python and other programming capabilities.

One of the best aspects of Data Science & ML is that it serves as a resume and shows the abilities you've acquired, for example, Python programming.

Start your education by communicating and working with others while concentrating on your technical skills.

In this period, you'll need to develop the soft skills necessary to work with others and fully comprehend how to use your equipment. Taking Python Training in Ghaziabad in data science requires a strong understanding of statistics. Knowing statistics will help you develop the ability to be focused on the right areas that will provide critical insight instead of just writing the code.

Relate with Advanced Data Science & ML Using Python Techniques

Also, try to improve your abilities. The journey to data science will be a continuous process of learning. 

There are also advanced Python Institute Courses in Ghaziabad that you can take to ensure you've covered all.

You'll need to be comfortable using regression, classification, and clustering models using k-means. 

Scikit-learn may also be used to create neural networks, a first step into machine learning.

The current programming projects may include developing models with actual data sources. These machine-learning models refine their forecasts as they go.

Data science & ML is a growing field that spans a range of industries.

With the speed at which demand grows, it is a great time to develop. Keep reading, working, and interacting with others; you'll keep your best and gain an advantage over the years.

Don't hassle with mind for Data science & ML using Python training institute; get your hands on the best in Ghaziabad. Make your approach wider and broader to boost your career.

Softcrayons has several years of experience serving professional IT training courses in Ghaziabad. So join today and never miss the chance of losing the opportunity. 

Related Courses...

Data Analytics Using Python

The Data Analytics Using Python course is designed to empower individuals with the skills needed to extract valuable insights from data. Through hands-on training, participants learn Python programming, data cleaning, exploration, and visualization using libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib. The course also covers statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and data modelling, enabling students to make data-driven decisions.

Machine Learning With Python

Machine Learning With Python course is your gateway to mastering the exciting world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Through this comprehensive program, you'll gain a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment using Python. Whether you are a novice or an experienced programmer, our expert instructors will guide you through hands-on projects and real-world applications. 

Data Science Using Python

Data Science Using Python course is your gateway to a career in one of the most in-demand fields today. This program equips you with essential skills in Python programming, data manipulation with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib, and statistical analysis. You'll learn to extract actionable insights from complex datasets and develop data-driven solutions. Join us to unlock the potential of data science and embark on a journey of discovery, analysis, and innovation using Python as your tool of choice.

Core Python

Discover the essentials of Python programming with our Core Python course. Designed as the ideal starting point for beginners, this program introduces you to Python's fundamental concepts. You'll delve into Python syntax, data types, loops, and functions through hands-on exercises and practical examples. Whether you aim to initiate a programming career or expand your skill set, this course equips you with a strong Python foundation.

Network Programming Training: Mastering Network Communication

Explore the world of network programming through our comprehensive training program. Designed for aspiring network engineers and developers, this course offers a deep dive into network protocols, socket programming, and network security. You'll gain hands-on experience creating network applications, implementing client-server communication, and ensuring data integrity. Our expert instructors will guide you through real-world scenarios and practical exercises, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in Ghaziabad's dynamic field of network programming training.

Python for DevOps:

  • DevOps professionals use Python for tasks like automation, configuration management, and deployment. Courses in this category teach you how to use Python in a DevOps Training environment.


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Training Features

Expert led Training

Our programs is led by industry experts who bring years of real-world experience to you, which helps you to gain more experience to the classroom.

Flexible Learning

You can choose our courses either online or in-person training. We also offer self-paced learning options that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Hands-on Experience

You'll have access to a range of tools and resources by our faculty in this course, that will help you develop to secure networks in real-world environments.


Our Programs is a prestigious certification which is recognized worldwide and can help you get advanced to build your future career in the network security.

Benefits of the Course

100% Placement Assistance

Softcrayons provides job oriented training to all students and they get job as soon as they complete their training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

Mock Interview Session

Sharpen your interview skills with our mock interview session. Gain confidence, receive feedback, and ace your next interview

Globally Recognized Certifications

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  • Installation mataplotlib
  • Basic matapotlib plots
  • Scatter plots
  • Saving plots to file
  • plotting functions in pandas

  • What is ML?
  • Types of ML
  • Decision trees
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • k-Nearest Neighbors
  • File handling with Hadoop
  • Pig
  • Pyspark

  • Overview of sci-kit learn and Tensorflow
  • Some complementing fields of ML
  • ML algorithms
  • Machine learning examples

  • Simple regression
  • Multiple regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Predicting house prices with regression

  • Definition
  • Types of Clustering
  • The k-means clustering algorithm

  • Production of Data Mining
  • Decision Tree
  • Affinity Analysis
  • Clustering

  • Install NLTK
  • Tokenize words
  • Tokenize sentences
  • Stemming words with NLTK
  • Speech tagging
  • Sentiment analysis with NLTK

  • Introducing matplotlib
  • Bar charts
  • Line charts
  • Scatter plots
  • Bubble charts

  • Setting up OpenCV
  • Loading and displaying images
  • Applying image filter
  • Tracking faces
  • Face recognition

  • Simple linear regression
  • Multiple regression
  • Training and testing model

  • What is Python?
  • A brief history of Python
  • Why should I learn Python?
  • Installing Python
  • How to execute Python Program
  • Write your first Python Program

  • Variables
  • Number
  • String
  • List, Tuples & Dictionary

  • if...statement
  • if...else statement
  • elif...statement
  • The while...Loop

  • Continue statement
  • Break statement
  • Pass statement

  • Define function
  • Calling a function
  • Function arguments
  • Built-in functions

  • Modules
  • How to import Module?
  • Packages
  • How to create Packages

  • Introduction about classes and objects
  • Creating a class & object
  • Inheritance
  • Methods Overriding
  • Data hiding

  • Writing data to a file
  • Reading data from a file
  • Read and write data from CSV file
  • Try...except
  • Try...except...else
  • Finally
  • OS module

  • What is data analysis?
  • Why Python for data analysis?
  • Essential Python Libraries
  • Installation and setup
  • Ipython
  • Jupyter Notebook

  • Creating multi dimensional array
  • NumPy-Data types
  • array attributes
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • Creating array views and copies
  • Manipulating array shapes
  • I/O with NumPy

  • Installing pandas
  • Panda data frames
  • Panda Series
  • Data aggregation with Panda DataFrames
  • Concatenating and appending DataFrames
  • Joining DataFrames
  • Handling missing data

  • Writing CSV files with NumPy and pandas
  • HDF5 format
  • Reading and Writing to Excel with pandas
  • JSON data
  • Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
  • PyTables

  • Basic statistics with NumPy
  • Linear Algebra with NumPy
  • Numphy random numbers
  • Creating a NumPy masked array
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