
Java Selenium Training Noida

Java Selenium Training Noida
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When considering how to automate the testing of web-based apps, a Java Selenium Course in Noida will likely be the first option that comes to mind.

Selenium is an excellent option because it is free and a lightweight, portable software test framework for web applications that work with many languages.

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1 - 2


Beginner - Advance


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Java Selenium Course with Certification in Noida

When considering how to automate the testing of web-based apps, a Java Selenium Course in Noida will likely be the first option that comes to mind.

Selenium is an excellent option because it is free and a lightweight, portable software test framework for web applications that work with many languages.

The correct language depends on the tested program, its community, and the available testing frameworks' ease of use, attractiveness, and ability to integrate into builds.

Justifications for Favouring in Java Selenium Training and Certification in Noida

Java Training Certification has become the go-to language course for application developers because a big community constantly works to improve the language by creating documentation and resolving difficulties.

As a result, there are numerous benefits to creating a selenium test case in Java:

In other words, Java Selenium Certification can best boost your career. Its vibrant community of contributors and extensive documentation can help testers when coding tests.

Java-based apps are faster than those written in other popular languages like Python.

For this reason, it is simpler to incorporate the top Java Selenium Course tests into commercial systems written in Java than in languages like Python.

The language used depends on the nature of the project, the organization, and the personalities involved.

When working with Selenium, fluency in the language is an essential qualification.

Join Java Selenium Course with Training in Noida To Promote your Skills

• You must set up a few things before coding using Selenium and Java.

Use Java Selenium Training Course to simplify functional test automation across various browsers and operating systems, including Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Firefox. It works well with other continuous testing frameworks and tools like Jenkins, Maven, and Docker.

• The Java Selenium Course with Certification can be organized with the help of tools like TestNG and JUnit, making them more manageable and facilitating the creation of reports.

Significant Of Java Selenium Course With Certification Noida

Java Selenium Training Certification supports various programming languages, but Java is one of the most popular.

Java's dominance as a programming language in Indian and American markets. The many advantages of running Selenium in Java are as follows:

With Selenium's compatibility with Java and abundant, available documentation, developing tests is a breeze.

One can write speedier programs in Java than in other languages like Python Training Course.

Compatibility with a wide range of OSes, including but not limited to UNIX, Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc.

By combining Selenium with one of Java's many comprehensive automation frameworks, developers can improve their application's development, reporting, and maintenance.

Reasons Why You Should Take A Java Selenium Course In Noida

First and foremost, please be aware that the device's operating system is incompatible with the web application.

Instead, it is a program that uses web browsers and other web technologies to perform various online functions.

In the end, evaluation is needed to determine if it is functioning as expected, and this is when Selenium implemented in Java is put into action.

The elements of the Java Selenium course add to its importance to your future professional prospects.

Cross-Browser Compatibility - No Coding Required

Selenium, written in Java, establishes a robust connection with websites and their constituent parts.

The Java Selenium Course with Certification works in every modern web browser without a hitch. This includes Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and even Opera.

One can achieve amazing things with one script across all browsers. There's no point in making separate versions for different browsers.

Framework and Language Compatibility for Coding

There is no need to hold their breath for those in this camp: Selenium is compatible with every primary programming language. This includes Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, and Perl.

Create a script in any language, and Selenium will interpret it and provide compatible code.

Java Selenium Certification Course Noida also supports frameworks for these languages.

Regardless of the language or framework, Selenium will serve its purpose as an automated testing tool.

System Accessibility – Expand OS Creation

The Selenium Test Suite works without any problems, regardless of your operating system.

Accessing testers and developers is made easier thanks to this addition, which is OS-agnostic.

Start Automating Your Multi-Device Tests

This is one of the many advantages of the straightforward structure of Java Selenium Training Certification Noida.

It supports a wide range of devices, from Android and Blackberry to iOS and Windows Phone, and users may generate test cases for usage across all of them.

It's an excellent tool for fixing cross-device difficulties.

A Scripted User Interface That Is Simple To Deploy

One of Selenium Java's primary selling points is how easily one can implement it. With the provided user-friendly interface, creating and testing scripts is a breeze.

The primary advantage is that you can keep tabs on ongoing exams. It helps me think critically and choose what to do next.

Disgraceful Execution of an Excellent Performance This Effectiveness

Selenium Course, With Training running on Java, compared to its rivals, provides unmatched performance. Similar tools in the Selenium suite are slower and less effective, but this one is far faster and more effective.

The Selenium suite is quicker and more effective. It can communicate flawlessly with the browser without the help of an intermediary server, which only increases its adaptability.

The Ability to Change in Any Way, Shape, or Form—During the Design and Development Stages

Management of the testing process is an integral aspect of the whole testing cycle. Customizing code is an excellent feature of Java Selenium Training in Noida for developers and testers.

It helps to ensure the quality of the code by minimizing redundant efforts and other issues.

With these advantages in your corner, Selenium has the potential to outperform rival automation testing frameworks.

Help the Java Selenium Community Out A Lot

You can always count on Selenium's unwavering community support. It's widely available and simple to find. They also regularly roll out improvements and fixes.

One of its greatest strengths is that you don't require specialized Training to use the most recent software enhancements.

You can make any request and work with the group to devise a solution.

Java Selenium Course with Certification for Best Practice For Coding

When working with Selenium in Java, here are the most crucial considerations to have in mind:

The cornerstone of a Java Selenium Course script is the locators chosen, so it's essential to get this part correct.

• Using the incorrect locators in a script can cause it to become unreliable and unstable. It is easy to use 'ID' and tracking devices.

• They are more efficient than CSS and include an XPath, allowing more precise targeting.

• Incorporating Your Test-Driven Code - We mean putting different data sets through the software when discussing testing.

The same technique should be applied to your Selenium tests. Different data sources should drive all of the Selenium tests. One can accomplish this with the use of a data-driven framework.

• Choosing to wait instead of selecting the 'Thread' option. If your script needs to sleep while waiting for some Web element or the entire page to load, specify a precise stopping time.

Selenium provides "Explicit" and "Implicit" waits to do this. Both pause the program execution until the computer finds the requisite component. After it locates the part, it looks for and continues processing.

• However, even if it has located an element within the set time range, it Ceases. The Execution for the predetermined period. Because of this, script execution time may lengthen.

• You should avoid writing scripts that rely on a particular browser or driver. The ability to test across browsers is crucial.

• The scripts can be designed to work with various browsers or even just one.

• Verification Procedures Validating tests is a crucial part of building practical tests, and using Assertions to do so is a fantastic place to start.

Tests in Selenium must be declared with the help of assertions in frameworks like TestNG and JUnit, much like when writing an example test and outlining the expected and actual outcomes.

• The Testing Process is Deficient if Assertions Aren't Used Because It Doesn't Ensure That The Test's Build Is Correct.

• Taking Screenshots and Reporting Issues As part of your quality assurance testing is essential.

Java Selenium Course Certification tests provide a similar use case. Take pictures if you still need to pass the tests. This might aid in conveying the issue to the developer so they can begin working on a solution immediately.

• From a reporting perspective, it's helpful to share the reports with the users to give them insight into the product's stability and reliability.

Java Selenium Certification Noida accomplishes this by including a preconfigured report system that may be further customized via listeners, utilizing frameworks.

Java Selenium Course with Training is Easily Accessible for Understanding

To put it simply, Selenium scripts are easy to understand. They lack intricate, time-consuming algorithms. It is a collection of writings that automate various aspects of your website.

Software Testing Course Training also boasts an extensive online community and documentation.

When you need assistance, click your mouse. In addition, Noida offers several different Java Selenium courses and Training that can help students become professionals in the field.

One can find the best Java Selenium training in Noida at Softcrayons. One will achieve optimal outcomes in terms of making progress in your career.

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Program Core Credentials


Beginner - Advance




softcrayons Certified


E-Books, Notes, etc.


1 - 2

Benefits of the Course

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100% Placement Assistance

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Live Projects Training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

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Mock Interview Session

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Globally Recognized Certifications

Globally Recognized Certifications

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Self-Assessment & Sharing

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Java Selenium Training Noida

  • Understand Oops / java concepts
  • Selenium IDE, RC
  • Selenium WebDriver tool in depth, it’s features & components
  • Building a new Test Framework by using Web Driver, Test NG, and Maven

  • Selenium Introduction
  • What is Selenium and Why Selenium
  • Use of Automation Testing?
  • Explanation of Selenium and its advantages
  • Differences between Selenium and QTP
  • Selenium Components
  • Introduction of selenium Components

  • OOPs concepts
  • Setup Java environment – Download JDK and Setup eclipse
  • Java programming concepts
  • Class, Object, variables, methods, Packages
  • Conditions and loops
  • Access and non-access modifiers
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Interfaces, Inheritance
  • Collections, Exceptions

  • Installing Selenium IDE
  • “Selenese” – Selenium Commands
  • Actions, Asserts, Assessors.
  • Developing Test Cases & Test Suites with Selenium-IDE
  • Introduction to Selenium RC

  • eclipse-Oxygen
  • JDK 1.8
  • Firefox 47.0.1, firebug and file path
  • Set up TestNG, Maven and Selenium (2.53.1 &3.0 +) for eclipse

  • Selenium WebDriver Introduction
  • WebDriver Vs RC
  • Download and Configure WebDriver with Eclipse
  • Simple Testcase
  • Open and Close Browser
  • Cross Browser Testing – Firefox, IE, Chrome, Edge.
  • UI elements Locators.
  • Identifying WebElement using id, name, link text,Partial LinkText class Name,
  • XPath, CssSelector and TagName.
  • Handling various WebElement using WebDriver
  • Handling Mouse movements and Keyboard Events
  • Gecko-Driver
  • Verification Commands
  • How to get Title
  • How to get Current Url
  • How to get PageScource
  • How to get WindowHandel
  • How to get WindowHandels
  • How to get Text
  • How to get Attributes
  • Validation commands:
  • IsSelected
  • IsEnabled
  • IsDisplayed
  • How to operate with WebTable
  • How to Handel Alerts in webpage
  • Switch Commands:
  • how to switch windows or Tabs.
  • how to switch Alerts.
  • How to operate with calanders
  • Synchronization Commands
  • Thread.sleep();
  • ImplicitWait
  • ExplisitWait
  • File uploading using Auto-It and Robot.

  • Introduction of the Testing framework
  • Types of frameworks
  • Tools for developing Test Framework
  • TestNG introduction and Configuration with eclipse
  • TestNG Annotations and Data Providers
  • Creating Test Suit with TestNG

  • Moduler Frame work
  • POM
  • Data driven
  • paramitarization
  • Hybrid Framework

  • Developing Hybrid Framework for Web Application using WebDriver /TestNG and Maven
  • Use external Data for Testing (Excel sheet, XML files, Property file)
  • Reading and understanding reports
  • Screenshots of failed Test case

  • Jenkins Installation
  • Maven Installation
  • Dependencies and configure Maven Project
  • Integrate Maven projects in Jenkins
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+91 8545012345

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+91 8545012345

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