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Python Full Stack Training Institute in Ghaziabad- Softcrayon

Softcrayon is the best Python Full Stack Training Institute in Ghaziabad. They are providing overall achievement tracking to boost your career. Check out the website and other pages to learn more about them and gain attention to rank yourself in the outside world. Start from the basics and quickly get it done for versatility in your career prospects.

Python is a versatile programming language that can become a full-stack solution with the help of full-stack frameworks like Django and Flask.

There are tutorials and courses to help you learn this language, and you can start building web apps, admin portals, data pipelines, or vital services that help businesses do their work.

Are you looking for skills to make you stand out in the tech industry and work for the most well-known tech giants?

It has been the world's largest technology-based employer for over half a century, which is why it offers these lucrative jobs.

Whether you're a software developer, data analyst, architect, or front-end/UX designer, Python is a highly versatile and transformative language.

The Python Full Stack Training Courses presents short, interactive training videos designed for you to master this programming language.

About Python Courses

Python can be described as an interpreted general-purpose, high-level programming language. The design philosophy of Python emphasizes the readability of code through its typical usage of substantial indentation. The language's constructs and object-oriented design approach assist programmers in writing concise, logical code for large and small-scale projects.

Why Is Python Training the Most Optimal Programming Language?

A simple, readable language, Formatting is uncluttered visually, and Better Memory Management. Pythons Core Design Philosophy:

  • Beautiful is always better than ugly.
  • More explicit is better than implicit.
  • Simple is always better than complicated.
  • Readability counts. Complexity is superior to the complexity

Benefits of Being Python Full Stack Developers

  • There is no requirement to be able to learn Python Full Stack; Anyone can master it.
  • There is no prior work experience required, but it is advantageous.
  • Experience with JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, React, and Amber. The ability to recognize the primary front-end languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Why Python Full Stack Developer Training?

Full-stack developer is a word that is growing in popularity. These web developers are constantly needed. Python Full-Stack developers make up a part of this full-stack web developer. They are called that because they specialize in working with only one language, Python.

  • Highly Interactive with all other platforms
  • Employed by top-of-the-line firms
  • Comprehensive support libraries
  • Easy to master

Futuristic Approach of Python Training Courses in Ghaziabad

  • Learn how to create both server and client software.
  • Use a browser to program (like JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, or Vue)
  • Create servers (like by using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node)
  • Make databases (like by using SQL, SQLite, or MongoDB)

Counting The Prominence For Students Can Develop Through Python Full Stack Training Courses In Ghaziabad

Developing an innovative programming program requires such a complex set of technologies that a group of specialists (web design specialists or front-end experts, Coding or backend specialists, database specialists, etc.) had to collaborate. However, the time for the "generalist" has come. The new rock star is the person who can "know all," has abundant knowledge, and has experience with all the technology (stack) needed in software development or application development.

So, full-stack web development will involve creating complex mobile and web applications from beginning to end. In the Full short stack, developers are tech wizards who can work wherever in the stack and code, develop, create, and maintain databases. 

Advantage Of Being The Best Python Full Stack Developer In Softcrayon

Ability to Manage The Team

Companies are looking for software developers with excellent communication skills and team-management capabilities. This is often the case with teams of smaller sizes and fewer people involved in the project.

Full-stack software development allows hiring only a handful of developers instead of hiring a specialist for every task involved in the development process.

A full-stack team of web developers is manageable since only a handful of people are required to complete a task. This means that they can be more effective in communicating, possess more openness, and are more tolerant of suggestions from each other. To learn how to become an expert in developing full-stack, it is possible to join Softcrayon stack's online learning class.

Within The Budget Boundaries

Affordability is among the primary reasons companies engage an entire stack of developers.

 If you're developing an MVP, full-stack developers can be involved in all aspects of your product. 

This will ensure you don't need to invest too much money in the early phases. The cost of hiring individual developers or professionals and managing them independently takes time, money, and time to invest. Fully-stacked web designers can eliminate all the stress from this process.

Multi-Dimensional Expertise

Full-stack software development allows hiring experts with considerable expertise in technology, which is a significant benefit for your company.

When developing a product, If front-end developers require the assistance of backend developers, there's a complete structure and a disruption during the process.

Because full-stack developers know all technology, they can figure out any errors and fix problems faster than other developers. 

Using multiple technologies can decrease your dependence on numerous developers for one product.

Facilitate The Rapid Development Opportunity

The full-stack web application development facilitates quicker delivery of products and lets developers complete their development projects faster than ever. Full-stack web designers work as groups and collaborate quickly to oversee all tasks involved in development.

Because one developer is responsible for the entire task, making it less dependent on the other developers.

Full-stack solutions allow developers to create quick products because they don't need to wait for dependencies. They collaborate with their team and can build applications quicker since they're accountable for the development process. To be an expert in full-stack development, you should enrol and receive online instruction.

Creating Support for Your Organization

Because Full-Stack developers are proficient in various technologies, they can receive regular updates on these technologies and can adapt to changing conditions.

It allows them to provide constant support and support for products. They can implement modifications to reflect the latest changes and boost the effect. 

A single full-stack developer can solve all problems at an end-to-end front-end, backend, and database level, ensuring total support without trouble.

Objectives of Python Full Stack Training Program in Softcrayon.

This Python Training Course in Softcrayon aims to help students learn from the basic to the advanced levels of Python. We also provide hands-on knowledge on various high-level Python advanced functions within Full Stack development.

With the assistance of our several years of industry-experienced trainers and instructors. We also offer:

  • Excellent Curriculum Materials
  • Resume-Building
  • Live Projects Based On Industry.

This is the perfect solution for a profession in the IT business.

Softcrayon is bringing trust and quality to the IT training Sessions. Many established owners and well-qualified students are joining us to add more stars to their professional lives. 

We welcome all to join us to reach optimal results and enhance your boundaries easily.

Related Courses...

Data Science & Machine Learning Using Python

Our Data Science & Machine Learning Using Python course provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic field of data science and machine learning. Taught by industry experts, this program covers essential Python programming skills, data manipulation with libraries like NumPy and Pandas, and machine learning techniques using sci-kit-learn. Students gain hands-on experience with real-world datasets, honing their data analysis and modeling skills. 

Data Analytics Using Python

The Data Analytics Using Python course is designed to empower individuals with the skills needed to extract valuable insights from data. Through hands-on training, participants learn Python programming, data cleaning, exploration, and visualization using libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib. The course also covers statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, and data modelling, enabling students to make data-driven decisions.

Machine Learning With Python

Machine Learning With Python course is your gateway to mastering the exciting world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Through this comprehensive program, you'll gain a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment using Python. Whether you are a novice or an experienced programmer, our expert instructors will guide you through hands-on projects and real-world applications. 

Data Science Using Python

Data Science Using Python course is your gateway to a career in one of the most in-demand fields today. This program equips you with essential skills in Python programming, data manipulation with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib, and statistical analysis. You'll learn to extract actionable insights from complex datasets and develop data-driven solutions. Join us to unlock the potential of data science and embark on a journey of discovery, analysis, and innovation using Python as your tool of choice.

Core Python

Discover the essentials of Python programming with our Core Python course. Designed as the ideal starting point for beginners, this program introduces you to Python's fundamental concepts. You'll delve into Python syntax, data types, loops, and functions through hands-on exercises and practical examples. Whether you aim to initiate a programming career or expand your skill set, this course equips you with a strong Python foundation.

Network Programming Training: Mastering Network Communication

Explore the world of network programming through our comprehensive training program. Designed for aspiring network engineers and developers, this course offers a deep dive into network protocols, socket programming, and network security. You'll gain hands-on experience creating network applications, implementing client-server communication, and ensuring data integrity. Our expert instructors will guide you through real-world scenarios and practical exercises, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in Ghaziabad's dynamic field of network programming training.

Python for DevOps:

  • DevOps professionals use Python for tasks like automation, configuration management, and deployment. Courses in this category teach you how to use Python in a DevOps Training environment.

Course Syllabus

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Beginner - Advance


30 - 35


Softcrayons Certified


E-Books, Notes, etc.


2 month - 3 month

Training Features

Expert led Training

Our programs is led by industry experts who bring years of real-world experience to you, which helps you to gain more experience to the classroom.

Flexible Learning

You can choose our courses either online or in-person training. We also offer self-paced learning options that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Hands-on Experience

You'll have access to a range of tools and resources by our faculty in this course, that will help you develop to secure networks in real-world environments.


Our Programs is a prestigious certification which is recognized worldwide and can help you get advanced to build your future career in the network security.

Benefits of the Course

100% Placement Assistance

Softcrayons provides job oriented training to all students and they get job as soon as they complete their training

Live Projects Training

Softcrayons is the best Institute in Noida and Ghaziabad for Live Projects Training. we provide Complete Live Projects training with real-time scenarios for all our students

Mock Interview Session

Sharpen your interview skills with our mock interview session. Gain confidence, receive feedback, and ace your next interview

Globally Recognized Certifications

Unlock global opportunities with our recognized certifications. Validate your skills and expertise, stand out in your field, and advance your career with confidence


  • Why Python
  • Application Areas of Python
  • Features and Limitations of Python
  • Python Versions
  • Installing Python
  • Python Interpreter Architecture
  • Python Byte Code Compiler
  • Python Virtual Machine(PVM)

  • Using Interactive Mode
  • Using Script Mode
  • General Text Editor and Command Window
  • IDLE Editor and IDLE Shell
  • Understanding print() function
  • How to compile python program explicitly

  • Character Set
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers
  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Literals
  • Operators
  • Reading input from console
  • Parsing String to int , float
  • Python Conditional Statements
  • If Statement
  • If else Statement
  • If elif Statement
  • If elif else Statement
  • Nested If Statement
  • Looping Statements
  • While Loop
  • While else
  • For Loop
  • For else
  • Nested Loops
  • Pass, Break and Continue keywords
  • Standard Data Types
  • int, float , complex
  • bool, NoneType
  • str, list, tuple
  • bytes, bytearray, range
  • dict, set, frozenset
  • String Handling
  • What is string
  • String representations
  • Unicode String
  • String Functions, Methods
  • String Repetition and concatenation
  • String Indexing and Slicing
  • String Formatting
  • Python List
  • Creating and Accessing Lists
  • Indexing and Slicing Lists
  • List Methods
  • Nested Lists
  • Shallow v/s Deep Copy
  • List Comprehension

  • Creating Tuple
  • Accessing Tuple
  • Immutability of tuple
  • Tuple to list
  • List to tuple

  • How to create a set
  • Iteration Over Sets
  • Python Set Methods
  • Union, intersection, difference ofsets
  • Python Frozenset

  • Creating a Dictionary
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Accessing values from Dictionary
  • Updating dictionary
  • Iterating dictionary
  • Nested Dictionaries
  • Dictionary Comprehension

  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Types of Functions
  • Function v/s Method
  • Function Arguments
  • Function Return Statement
  • Nested Function
  • Function as argument
  • Function as return statement
  • Decorator function
  • Closure function
  • map(),filter() ,reduce(),any() functions
  • Anonymous or lambda Function

  • Why Modules
  • Script v/s Module
  • Importing Module
  • Understanding PYTHONPATH Variable
  • Commonly Used Library Modules
  • Why Packages
  • Understanding init .py file
  • Understanding pip utility

  • Why File Handling
  • File Pointer/Cursor
  • File modes
  • Functions and methods related to File Handling
  • Understanding with block

  • Procedural v/s Object Oriented Programming
  • OOP Principles
  • Defining a Class & Object Creation
  • Object class and its methods
  • Inheritance

  • Difference Between Syntax Errors and Exceptions
  • Keywords used in Exception Handling
  • try, except finally , raise, assert
  • Types of Except Blocks

  • Introduction to Tkinter Programming
  • Tkinter Widgets
  • Tk, Label, Entry, Text Box, Buttons
  • Frame, message box, file dialog, etc.
  • Layout Managers
  • Event handling
  • Displaying image

  • Multi-processing v/s Multi-threading
  • Need of threads
  • Creating child threads
  • Functions /methods related to threads

  • Need of regular Expressions
  • re module
  • Functions /Methods related to regex
  • Meta Characters & Special Sequences

  • Database Concepts
  • What is Database Package?
  • Understanding Data Storage
  • Relational Database (RDBMS) Concept

  • SQL Basics
  • DML, DDL & DQL
  • DDL: Create, Alter, Drop
  • SQL Constraints:
  • DML: Insert, Update, Delete and Merge
  • DQL : Select
  • SQL Operators
  • SQL Aliases
  • SQL Views
  • MySQL Functions
  • String Functions
  • Numeric Functions
  • Date Functions
  • NOW

  • Introduction to Databases
  • Installing MySQL Server
  • Understanding basic SQL Statements
  • Database Drivers and connectors
  • Creating connection object
  • Understanding cursor object
  • Executing SQL statements using cursor
  • Fetching records from cursor
  • Storing and retrieving Date and Time
  • Front End

  • What are web applications?
  • Static v/s dynamic web applications
  • Web application Architecture
  • Front End
  • Back End

  • Introduction to HTML 5
  • Parts in HTML Document
  • Head Section
  • Meta Information
  • Body Section
  • Heading &Paragraph
  • Anchors, Images
  • HTML Comments
  • HTML Table
  • DIV Section

  • Introduction CSS3
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS
  • Styling Text
  • Styling Fonts
  • CSS Borders
  • Selectors
  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • Text Effects
  • Margin & Padding

  • What is Script?
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • DOM and BOM
  • Comments and Types of Comments
  • Popup Boxes
  • Variables & Operators JavaScript
  • Functions and Events Conditional
  • Statements Looping Control
  • Types of Errors
  • Exception Handling
  • Java Script Objects
  • Browser Objects
  • Validations in JS

  • Why Typescript
  • Basic Types
  • Class and Interfaces
  • Modules

  • Introduction to Bootstrap4
  • Bootstrap CDN & Local
  • Bootstrap Classes
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Colors
  • Bootstrap Grid System

  • What is React JS?
  • What is SPA?
  • DOM vs Virtual DOM
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Key Features
  • Environmental Setup
  • Node | NPM
  • Installation of CLI
  • Setup Project
  • Directory Structure
  • Code Editors
  • How React JS Application Boot

  • React Concepts
  • JSX and TSX
  • Render Elements
  • Function and Class Components
  • Props and State
  • Handling Events
  • Dynamic Data Rendering
  • Property Binding

  • Conditional Rendering
  • List and Keys
  • Forms Handling
  • Forms Validations

  • Understanding component lifecycle
  • All Lifecycle Hooks

  • Understanding React Event System
  • Passing arguments to event Handlers

  • Fetch
  • Axios

  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service

  • Local Storage
  • Session Storage
  • Cookies

  • Setting up React Router
  • Configuring route with Route Component
  • Making routes dynamic with Route Params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Link and NavLink
  • Redirect Routes

  • Angular Material
  • PrimeNG

  • Why Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Store, Reducer, actions
  • Dispatcher
  • High order Components
  • map State to Props and map Dispatch to Props usage

  • Async Actions
  • Middleware
  • Redux Thunk and Redux Saga

  • Why We Need Hooks.
  • Different Types of Hooks
  • Using State and Effect Hooks
  • Usereducer, Useref Etc.
  • Custom Hooks
  • Rules Of Hooks

  • Social Login
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Filter
  • JWT Token
  • File Upload
  • Many More

  • Language v/s Framework
  • What is Django Framework?
  • Django Versions
  • Installing Django

  • Creating Django Project
  • Creating Django App
  • Understanding Directory Structure of Project
  • URL Mappings, Views, manage.py
  • HTTP Request and HTTP Response Objects
  • Registering App in settings.py
  • Django Development Server
  • Control flow of request processing
  • MVT Design Pattern

  • Built-in Templates Tags & Filters
  • Template Variables
  • Template Inheritance
  • Building custom template tag
  • Integration of Static Contents
  • How to display static images
  • How to use CSS and bootstrap
  • Loading static data to the template

  • Why this Component?
  • Types of Views
  • Function Based
  • Class-Based
  • How Views interact with other components
  • How to get request data in views
  • How to generate a response in other formats

  • Why this Component?
  • Form class &Field Types
  • GET and POST methods
  • Form Validations
  • How to render Django form to the template
  • as table
  • as paragraph
  • as li
  • How to use Form in views

  • Why this component?
  • SQL v/s ORM approach
  • Model class and Field Types
  • Understanding make migrations and migrate
  • Performing CRUD operations
  • create (insert)
  • read (select)
  • update
  • delete
  • Fetching Records from the database
  • Understanding QuerySet
  • Fetching all records
  • Fetching records based on conditions
  • Fetching Data in an order
  • Data Slicing
  • Understanding Association Mappings
  • one to one
  • one to many
  • many to one
  • many to many
  • Integration with MySQL database

  • How to create a super user
  • How to access the admin site
  • Registering models with the admin
  • Managing users in the admin

  • Why maintain a state?
  • Understanding the stateless behavior of the HTTP protocol
  • State management techniques
  • Cookies
  • URL-Rewriting (query strings)
  • Hidden form fields
  • Session
  • Understanding Sessions in Details
  • Enable / Disable Session
  • Get and set data with the session
  • Using session in a template
  • Session Expiry

  • Why middleware?
  • Understanding built-in middleware
  • Creating custom middleware
  • Function-based
  • Class based
  • How to enable custom middleware

  • Working with User objects
  • Permissions and authorization
  • Authentication in web requests
  • Managing users in the admin
  • Extending the existing User Model

  • What is a Web API?
  • Difference between SOAP and RESTful APIs
  • Django REST Framework for developing RESTful APIs
  • Understanding JSON response
  • How to consume RESTful API
  • requests package
  • get and post
  • how to parse JSON

  • Sending an email using the Django library
  • Function-based
  • Class based

  • Understanding domain and hosting
  • Hosting Providers
  • Deploy the project
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